Why subscribe?
We will be publishing our journey building our company, Remotely Works. We will share our vision, how we got there, our insights, our ideas, our tools. You will get a front-row seat into our journey. Hopefully it can be helpful as a point of reference, as inspiration, or, simply, as entertainment. This should represent 95% of our content.
We will also share some sensitive information: our cash burn, our revenue, the breakdown of our expenses, our reporting to investors, our sales materials. Because that content can be useful to only a few, we will gate them behind a subscription. If you want to have access to it, you can. One day we may decide to make it free, but for now, it will be behind a pay-wall. (Yes, we ended up eliminating the pay-wall)
You can visit our website at https://remotely.works or
Watch this video to understand our transparent business model at 2x speed is less than 2 min: https://www.loom.com/share/fc358fcda5c94a7aa6d6ef13df4031de
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